Thursday, January 13, 2011

Paint and Flowers!!

First of all – THANK YOU SO MUCH for reading my blog.  You have no idea how much it means to me that I have a few followers and even some comments. Keep them coming because I absolutely love hearing what people have to say.  Even if I don’t know you very well or we have just met I still love getting comments =)

As you know, I have been diligently painting one of the walls in my office with the most awesomest (yup, a word) pattern.  Mind you it has taken me hours and hours to do this and I’m barely half way done with ONE wall.  And here’s the kicker…..the wall isn’t even a full wall since it has a huge window in the middle.  Um, turns out I don’t think I will be painting this pattern on any other wall EVER so now I’m left with ‘what in the hell do I do with the other 2 walls?’ (Remember,  the 4th wall will be a chalk board). As you can see I have very hard decision to make <wink>.  Here is what I have accomplished so far:

Seeeeeee…..I got lots more to finish.  AND I need to organize.  Since I took everything out and tossed most of the crap I had I need to figure out where to put shelves and how to organize all the randomness that makes up this room.  I also think I need a cool rug and definitely a new chair!  My husband came in here a few days ago and sat down in it and said ‘Um we need to get you a new chair…..this thing is like sitting on steel!’  At that moment I realized I have had this thing for 5 years so yeah, I’d say I need a new one.  Any suggestions on good ones?  Oh and it has to be ‘pretty’! 

Oh, and the other day I was at my second home (A.K.A. Target) and I found this super cute cotton/sweatshirt jacket thingy for Kennedy but I refused to buy it in pink because her wardrobe looks like the Pepto factory puked all over it and if I pull one more pair of pink pants or a shirt out of the dryer I’m going to die.  So I grabbed the blue and figured I could make it a bit more girlie……and I did!!

See….totally boring with nothing cute on it:

And here are 3 different flowers I made for it.  Um, my camera sucks for up close since it’s just a point and shoot so I added an extra picture so you could see the flowers up a little closer than what I could capture in the jacket pictures.  Bare with me…..I’m currently dropping hints all of the place that I want/need a new camera.  For example, Chris: Hey honey, how was your day?  Me: Awesome but I need a new camera!  Chris: Can you grab me some milk for Kennedy? Me: Can you grab me a new camera?  Chris: I need to get up at 6:20am.  Me: I need a new camera.  I wonder if these hints will help?!?!

Mind you I have no idea how long these flowers will stay on the jacket before Kennedy says ‘No Mommy’ and tries to pull it off and subsequently rips the jacket and all my hopes and dreams are shattered for making her a cute jacket.

Note: To see where I got these great ideas, just visit


  1. Love all of this!!! I can not wait to see the final results of the office with stencil and chalboard walls! It looks even more amazing in person just so you all know! My vote for the McKennedy's jacket is the pink flower. Not that you were asking for my vote, but there you have it! =)

  2. If Kennedy doesn't like it, I'll rock em. :D

  3. Love, love the wall!!! I love your blog girl...I post comments everyday...can you stop deleting them!! Not nice!!

  4. Love your blog, love the wall, and love the flowers. You inspire me. :O)

  5. WHAT ELAINE? I'm not deleting anything!! Are they disappearing?

    Thank you all for such positive posts!! They all make me smile and make me want to continue this.

    Petro I will make you your very own flower for your hat =)

  6. Dude, you should throw one of those flowers on a headband or hat! :) Super cute my bestie!

  7. So much fun... I love the pattern on the wall though it seems like it would be alot of hard work. What are you using to put it on a stencil, free hand or what??? I wish I would have thought of adding little things to my kids clothes to sprouce them up a bit. Anyways love your blog keep it up. :)

  8. Thank you all for all the nice things you are saying. you have no idea how excited I am when I log in and see a comment or a new follower!!

    YAY - you all just made my night!
